Cryotherapy FAQ

How does cryotherapy help me lose fat?

The TruCryo Device is capable of causing thermal shock. The treatments are powered by cryolipolysis – a medical treatment used to destroy fat cells by freezing within the temperature range of +5 to-4 ̊C. The cold treatment causes apoptosis or cell death of subcutaneous fat tissues.

How does the fat freezing / cryolipolysis procedure work?

A consultation is required to discuss area/s of concern. The TruCryo machine is then sprayed directly across the area/s causing thermal shock cooling the treatment area locally. This is followed by lymphatic massage the help flush away the broken-down fat cells and any associated toxins from the body. Treatment time is around 20-45 minutes depending on number of areas treated.

Are there any specific requirements or things to do when recovering from cryotherapy treatments?

No, there no active restrictions following treatments. Just drink plenty of water after to enable the body to eliminate the destroyed fat cells properly.

How soon will I see results after fat freezing treatments?

Results can be seen immediately although the injured fat cells are gradually eliminated by the body as the cells breakdown which can take up to 72 hours post treatment. Following a full course of treatment, cells will continue to breakdown up to 4 to 6 weeks post treatment. During that time the fatty bulge decreases in size, with up to 20% fat reduction. Cryolipolysis / fat freezing is not an alternative to a healthy diet and regular exercise.

What are the risks of having cryotherapy treatments?

The complication rate is low, and the satisfaction rate is high. There is a risk of surface irregularities and asymmetry. Patients may not get the result they’d hoped for. Rarely, in less than 1 percent, patients may have paradoxical fat hyperplasia, which is an unexpected increase in the number of fat cells. This is three times more likely in men than in women and is seen more in those of Hispanic or Latino descent.

How soon will my pain disappear after a pain management cryotherapy session?

Once the procedure has finished you should feel the pain diminish almost immediately.

What do I need to bring with me to the sessions / treatments?

Absolutely nothing, we have everything you need: the device, towel, water, and other refreshments.

Is the procedure safe?

Yes, all staff are professionally trained with experience and the treatment is non-invasive.

Can anyone have a cryotherapy treatment?

There are some contraindications and reasons why certain people can’t have the treatments. This will be discussed between yourself and our professional as to whether we can go ahead with the service for you.

Are cryotherapy fat freezing results permanent?

Yes, it is a permanent fat reduction but only if you control your weight. If you gain weight, it will go somewhere else. Lasting improvements to your body can also occur by changing your behaviour through nutrition and exercise your results.

Can I combine cryotherapy with EMS?

Yes, most certainly. Depending on your goals, a combination of both services can help speed up results.

How long does it take?

Each session is around 20 minutes. When dealing with multiple body parts, this time period can be doubled.

What are the advantages of using this device, as opposed to a cryo chamber?

Here, we can localize and pinpoint specific areas of the body and, at the same time, rejuvenate and stimulate the immune system via cold therapy.

Do you offer a trial session?

No, unfortunately not for cryotherapy sessions.

How often can I do this?

We recommend no more than twice a week for cryotherapy treatments.