Meet the Founder

Karl Jack, owner and head trainer at Frequency EMS, has been in the fitness and wellness industry for over 15 years so brings a wealth of experience both to the business and to individual sessions.

He started his fitness career in London but has worked in many countries including France and the UAE, having spent many years in the later recently.

He’s passionate and enthusiastic about health and fitness and approaches wellness from a 360 point of view and understands that health and wellbeing is more than just the physical but also the mental and that the two are entwined, one can not be achieved without the other.

You will find sessions with Karl fun, testing, but most of all, results driven, and topped off with his own unique style acquired over the years of training many types of people with differing goals.

He has been an EMS professional for over 4 years, having started off as an EMS trainer in one of the biggest EMS companies in Dubai, therefore is has a full EMS trainers license and loads of knowledgeable about EMS fitness.

So pop over to Frequency EMS and say hello 😉